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Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Bahaya Seks Bebas Untuk Kehidupan Kita

Seks Bebas Sebabkan Kanker Serviks

Data Yayasan Kanker Indonesia (YKI) menunjukkan, setiap satu jam, satu wanita di Indonesia meninggal akibat kanker serviks atau kanker leher rahim.

Fakta tersebut membuat Dewi Gita yang ditunjuk sebagai duta kanker serviks perlu bekerja keras meningkatkan kesadaran wanita Indonesia terhadap pencegahan dini penyakit mematikan ini. Ia mengemban tugas untuk mengampanyekan informasi mengenai pencegahan dini kanker serviks.
"Kanker serviks nggak ada gejalanya. Tapi, kalau kita aware sejak dini terutama sama anak perempuan kita, pasti terhindar," katanya dalam acara bertajuk 'Young Hearts Never Too Late, We Care About Cervical Cancer, We Care About You' di Jakarta, Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010.
Selain faktor awareness dan edukasi sejak dini, Dewi mengimbau kaum perempuan untuk tidak melakukan seks bebas. Karena tindakan yang satu ini merupakan salah satu faktor terbesar penyebab kanker serviks.
Sebagai wanita yang juga memiliki anak perempuan, Dewi terlihat sangat antusias menjalankan tugasnya sebagai duta kanker serviks. "Jadi kepuasan diri sendiri. Karena orang yang tadinya nggak tahu jadi tahu. Kepuasan diri aja buat saya sebagai perempuan,"


Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

horoscope libra

Libra (9/23-10/22)

You're the type of person who has lots of friends from all walks of life. You've found them at school, at work and through your siblings and neighbors -- not to mention because you happened to sit down next to them on the bus or plane one fine day. Someone you haven't been in touch with lately is due to connect with you soon, and they'll do it in grand, lavish style. Better clear your agenda, just in case they do it now.

Check your: Daily Single's Love, Daily Couple's Love, Daily Work, Weekly Romantic, Monthly Fitness, more ..

Tips Drug Rehab

    Drug rehab is the process through which addiction to psychoactive substances such as alcohol, prescription drugs and street drugs is treated. An addiction often starts in a seemingly harmless manner; the consumption of an addictive substance causes a ‘high’ and this beckons one down a treacherous path in pursuit of that euphoric feeling. Having gone down the path once and enjoyed the walk, most people go back and before they know it, addiction sets in! Most people think that addiction to psychoactive substances is a problem that affects weak-willed people and that it can be cured by a sheer act of will power but this is not so. Advances in medical research have now shown that addiction is a chronic brain disease which results in changes in brain chemistry which is what perpetuates reliance on the substance that led to the addiction. Drug rehab seeks to treat this alteration in brain chemistry through its various approaches such as counseling and administration of medication to help manage the cravings. The process of drug rehab is geared towards helping the addict terminate their reliance on the addictive substance and free them to begin reversal of the adverse effects the addiction may have caused them such as loss of employment, debt, physical ailments or neglect. Since drug addiction is deemed to be a condition from which one never fully recovers, drug rehab programs provide a forum through which the addiction can be managed. The structures of drug rehab programs vary in their approach and treatment models. They include: Medically based rehab programs which are conducted at medical facilities such as hospitals Spiritual rehab programs such as the 12-step program which are based on the tenet of surrendering one’s will to a ‘higher power’. Social rehab programs which regard participants as students rather than patients. The students learn life lessons in the program which empower them in the journey to leading a drug free life. Holistic rehab programs which take a mind, body and spirit approach to gaining freedom from info:http://www.insurancecoverageamerica.com

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