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Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

Five Tips Every Guest Blogger Should Know

One of the best ways to increase your visibility is to become a guest blogger at a popular blog. This is a chance for you to gain exposure to a new audience and credibility by being associated with highly-respected bloggers with major followings. Guest blogging is a win-win situation for everyone if done right: the blog gets excellent and free content to use while the guest blogger gets increased exposure for their blog, brand or products.

Of course, there are many other people who want to become guest bloggers for the same reason it might make sense for you to do the same. In order to get the prime guest blogging spots on the top sites you need to make yourself and your content stand out from the pack. Here are five tips on how to make that happen:

1. Read and Understand the Blog: It's amazing how many people contact major blogs wanting to be guest bloggers without fully understanding what the blog is all about. Each blog has its own topics that are of interest to the owners and their readers. If you suggest content which is not appropriate your guest blogging request is going to be denied.

Instead, read through the past two to three months of blog posts to see what topics the blog is focused on. You'll want to avoid pitching topic ideas that have already been covered, but at the same time you might be able to pitch a rebuttal to a previous post or a different take on a popular theme. This will also give you a strong sense for the tone of the blog.

2. Know the Guest Blogging Guidelines: Not all blogs accept guest bloggers, so you'll want to make sure they do before you pitch them with your idea. If they do accept guest posts, chances are that they'll have specific guest blogger guidelines published on their site. It's important to review these rules before you contact a blog. You don't want to break any rules at the start which might anger the blog owners and make it harder for you to convince them to let you be a guest blogger. If you seem uninformed about the guidelines of the blog, it's tough to convince a blogger that you will provide great content.

3. Write the Blog First: If you are dealing with a very popular blog, chances are that the site's owners and editorial team are extremely busy. Taking the time to establish a rapport with the blog's management, pitching a story idea and then working through the details is time-consuming. In many cases, it's better to just write a blog on a topic you feel confident will work and send it to the blog. If they like it, they can publish it without having to jump through hoops. If they reject it, you can take it to another blog.

4. Prove Yourself: It's important to provide your credentials when sending over a guest blog in order for the bloggers to understand that you are an expert in the field. A guest blog written by a savvy industry professional is going to carry more weight than one written by a random person. Explain to the blog why you are the right person to discuss a certain topic with their audience and what perspective you bring that can't be found anywhere else.

5. Write a Compelling Headline: A great headline can do more than bring readers to your blog -- it's also the perfect way to grab the attention of the owner or editor of a blog. Much like readers, the people you contact with a request to guest post might only skim to the title of your proposed post. If it's interesting and engaging, they'll want to read more; if it's boring or stale, they'll move on. One great tip is to write a headline that proposes a question you will answer in your article.

Jaringan Wifi dapat diakses dari perangkat android

 Daftar jaringan WiFi dapat diakses dari perangkat Android . Akses ke daftar jaringan WiFi dilakukan melalui Android menggunakan Java SDK kode asli . Prinsip yang sama dapat digunakan untuk mengakses sumber daya ini berisi satu set prosedur, "pWIFIManagement", digunakan untuk dapat diakses dari Android. Akses ke menggunakan Java kode asli.
Prinsip yang sama dapat digunakan untuk mengakses berbagai fitur dan perangkat dari ponsel Android .

Cette contient une ressource de koleksi prosedur permettant de lister les réseaux WiFi accessibles depuis un berbagai fitur dan perangkat ponsel Android. Android périphérique . L' akses à la

liste des réseaux WiFi s'effectue nominal SDK Android en le kode Java Natif .

Le peut etre meme Principe Memanfaatkan différentes pour accéder aux fonctionnalités périphériques et d' un mobile Android . android périphérique. L'akses à la kode Java Natif. d'un Android.

URL untuk akses permanen untuk publikasi ini :

http://repository.windev.com/resource.awp?file_id=41 ; android - wifi

Kapal Selam Perang Malaysia tidak Bisa Menyelam

KUALA LUMPUR, KOMPAS.com - Nurul Izzah (30), putri tokoh oposisi Anwar Ibrahim, dituduh berkhianat akibat wawancara yang dimuat di harian Kompas (5/8). Komentar Nurul tentang kapal selam bermasalah yang dibeli Malaysia dari Perancis jadi dasar dakwaan membahayakan keselamatan negara.
Nurul menjawab tuduhan serius itu dalam situs www.freemalaysiatoday.com (FMT). Sementara pihak Angkatan Laut Diraja Malaysia melaporkan Nurul ke Balai Polis Hulu Kelang tanggal 17 Agustus lalu.
Hasil wawancara dengan harian Kompas yang dijadikan dasar tuntutan militer terhadap Nurul adalah keterangan ”...kapal selam itu tidak bisa menyelam dan persenjataan yang dibeli ternyata sudah kedaluwarsa.”
Oleh sebagian media pro-pemerintah, Nurul pun dicap sebagai pengkhianat nomor satu karena menceritakan kondisi kapal selam Kapal Diraja Tunku Abdurahman yang tak dapat menyelam dan persenjataannya sudah kedaluwarsa.
Dalam jawaban di situs FMT, Nurul menjelaskan, keterangan kepada harian Kompas berdasarkan jawaban yang disampaikan Menteri Pertahanan Malaysia di Dewan Rakyat (parlemen Malaysia) pada 17 Maret 2010 tentang kapal selam tak bisa menyelam.
Sebelum Angkatan Laut Diraja Malaysia mengadukan Nurul ke Polisi Diraja Malaysia, Menteri Pertahanan Ahmad Zahid Hamidi menilai komentar Nurul sudah mencederai citra Malaysia dan membahayakan negara.
Dituduh demikian, Nurul menjawab tudingan pengkhianat bangsa lebih tepat diarahkan kepada pihak yang membiarkan korupsi merajalela di sektor pertahanan. ”Jika Menteri Ahmad Zahid adalah patriot, kenapa tak mendukung Komisi Anti-Korupsi Malaysia untuk menyelidiki pemberian komisi kepada perusahaan Perimekar Sdn Bhd dari perusahaan Perancis dalam pembelian kapal selam itu yang ditanyakan parlemen tanggal 2 Juli 2010,” kata Nurul.
Kasus korupsi sebesar 114 juta euro (Rp 1,2 triliun lebih) itu tengah disidangkan di Perancis. Perimekar Sdn Bhd adalah perusahaan milik Abdul Razak Baginda, seorang rekan dekat Perdana Menteri Najib Razak.
Nurul menambahkan, seperti diberitakan Bernama (6/8), latihan Angkatan Laut yang dilakukan setahun sekali di Malaysia demi penghematan dari semestinya tiga kali justru lebih membahayakan keselamatan dan keamanan negara.
Ahmad Zahid Hamidi dalam thestaronline.com (19/8) meminta politisi tak memolitisasi isu pertahanan nasional.(FMT/TheStar/Bernama/ONG)

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